12月22 日:邢朝平、金玲飞、丁洋
发布时间:2017-12-21 浏览量:4436


报告题目:A brief introduction to post-quantum cryptography

​报告人:邢朝平 教授 新加坡南洋理工大学 

报告时间:2017年12月22 日(周五)14:30--15:30


In 1994, Shor showed that both integer factorization and discrete logarithm problems are in fact easy to solve on a quantum computer, based crucially on the laws of quantum physics. As a consequence, almost all currently deployed public-key cryptosystems will become completely insecure if quantum computers become a practical reality.  Post-quantum cryptography refers to conventional cryptosystems that are secure against both quantum and classic attacks, and can interoperate with existing communication protocols and networks. It seems unavoidable that sooner or later the modern public key cryptography infrastructure will need to move to the post-quantum one, to ensure a smooth and secure transition from the currently used public-key cryptography to its postquantum counterparts. In this talk, I will briefly survey this topic.


Chaoping Xing is currently a professor at School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University. In the May 1990, he got his Ph.D degree in Mathematics from University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China. In 2013, he earned the Kloosterman Visiting Chair Professor at Leiden University, The Netherlands. In 2003, he earned the National Science Award (team), Singapore. He was supported by the Hundred Talent Program, China in 2001, and the Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, Germany in 1993.   Currently, his research interests focus on coding theory, cryptography, number theory, algebraic geometry, quasi-Monte Carlo methods. He is the editors of IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, Finite Fields and Their Applications, International Journal of Computer Mathematics. His publications were cited 3600+ times. In the recent five years, he had 17 IEEE-IT journal papers, besides, his research results were published in the top-tier conferences of computer sciences, such as STOC, CRYPTO, SODA.



报告题目:On list decodability of self-orthogonal codes
​报告人:金玲飞 副教授 复旦大学 

报告时间:2017年12月22 日(周五)15:30--16:30

In 2011, Guruswami-Hastad-Kopparty showed that the list-decodability of random linear codes is as good as that of general random codes. In this talk, we further strengthen the result by showing that the list-decodability of random Euclidean self-orthogonal codes is  as good as that of general random codes as well, i.e., achieves the classical Gilbert-Varshamov bound. Furthermore, we can show that list-decodability of quantum stabilizer codes can achieve the quantum Gilbert-Varshamov bound.




报告题目:On the list decodability of matrix codes
​报告人:丁洋 博士 上海大学 
报告时间:2017年12月22 日(周五)16:30--17:30


Matrix codes in rank metric and cover metric have wide range of applications. It is of interest to investigate the list decodability of rank matrix codes and the tradeoff between decoding radius and parameters of codes. In this talk, we will introduce two conclusions. For matrix codes with rank metric, we have shown that the list decoding radius $/rho$ and the rate $R$ achieving the Gilbert-Varshamov bound $R/leq (1-/rho)(1-b/rho)$, where $b$ is the ratio of the number of rows to the number of columns. For matrix codes with cover metric, we give a Johnson-like bound between the list decoding radius $/rho$ and the rate $R$, which improved the existing Johnson bound in [1].

 [1]. A. Wachter-Zeh, List Decoding of Crisscross Errors, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol.63(1), 142-149, 2017.

丁洋,现为上海大学数学系讲师,硕士生导师。2010年博士毕业于东南大学数学系。2007年-2009年受国家留学基金委资助赴新加坡南洋理工大学读联合培养博士。2013年8月-2014年7月再赴新加坡南洋理工大学访问。先后主持国家自然科学基金3项。在IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, IEEE Trans. Communication等国内外重要学术期刊上发表学术论文多篇。

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